The Field Facilitator Training

A Unique 6 Months Online Certification Program

Integrating Culture of Care & The Field Facilitator Training

Are you called to facilitate transformational group spaces with both profound attunement and deep care?


The Field Facilitator Online Training combines the visionary insights of Culture of Care and The Field Facilitator Training into a powerful 6-month online journey, designed to cultivate your ability to hold safe, dynamic, and emergent group spaces.

This training integrates trauma-informed principles with the art of group field facilitation, enabling you to create environments that honour individual nervous systems, foster connection, and allow for deep healing and transformation. 

Whether you work in therapy, coaching, embodiment, or group facilitation, this program will take your skills and spaces to new heights—rooted in both theory and practice.

Watch Rachel Rickards interview Catherine Hale for her Podcast;

In Presence We Trust: The Facilitation Podcast

On Resilience and Regulation: Trauma, Psychedelics, and Nervous System Health



This six-month online training is the first step in a two-phase certification process.

Upon completing 100 hours of coursework over the six months, you will be equipped to confidently integrate the Culture of Care into your professional and personal practices. Meaning that you will be able to support individuals and groups with trauma-informed principles of safety, regulation, and care.

Through the successful completion of the course materials and the final assessment, you will receive a certificate from the Culture of Care (accredited by IPHM), designating you as a Certified Trauma-Informed Space Holder.

Completing this initial phase certifies you as a “Certified Trauma-Informed Space Holder through Culture of Care & The Field.” However, it does not grant certification as a “Field Facilitator” nor does it permit the direct use of this brand or name in advertising your work or events.

If you seek full certification as a Field Facilitator, you will need to complete an additional six-month online mentorship following the initial training.

During the mentorship, you will engage in monthly individual and group coaching sessions, where you will have the opportunity to apply trauma-informed principles while leading your own groups or sessions. You will also receive guidance on real-world practical challenges that may arise in your practice.

This second phase of certification offers limited spaces and is exclusively available to graduates of the first phase.

Upon successfully completing both steps— the six-month online training and the six-month mentorship, totalling one year—you will be certified as a
“Certified Trauma-Informed Space Holder with Culture of Care and a Certified Field Facilitator.”


What You’ll Experience:

  • Trauma-Informed Education with Culture of Care: You will embody the principles of trauma-informed care, learning how to create group spaces where every participant feels safe, supported, and empowered to engage in transformational work.
  • Emergent Group Facilitation: Learn how to read and respond to the energy of a group in real time, allowing the wisdom of the collective to guide the process. You will develop the intuitive and embodied skills needed to facilitate spaces where magic happens.
  • Holding a Safe, Brave Space: Navigate the delicate balance of creating spaces that are both structured enough for safety and fluid enough for authenticity. You'll learn to cultivate an environment that allows for both individual and collective transformation.
  • Nervous System Awareness: Gain mastery over the nervous system dynamics within group settings, understanding how to regulate your own system and help others feel secure enough to engage fully.
  • Leadership Through Embodiment: Develop your presence as a leader who embodies the qualities of compassion, attunement, and resilience. This isn’t about doing more—it’s about being more. The facilitator’s essence and consciousness is the key to creating a truly transformational group field.
  • Regenerative Self-Care: Learn how to center yourself and expand your capacity to hold safe, regulated spaces for others by prioritizing your own well-being and energetic boundaries.
  • Regenerative Business Skills: Discover how to plan and host events in alignment with your natural rhythms, avoiding burnout by embracing sustainable practices that allow you to receive as much as you give.
  • Money Relationship: Develop a secure, embodied relationship with money, fostering receptivity and ease as you allow financial flow to support you in your personal and professional life.

How can you create transformational spaces responsibly--- so that the space is both held enough that everyone in it feels safe to be brave but open enough that everyone feels free to be authentic?


Program Highlights:

  • Field Facilitation Training: Delve deep into the art of facilitating "the field," the energy that arises in group settings. You will learn how to guide participants beyond the surface, working with the mystical and practical elements of group energy, nervous system dynamics, and emergent wisdom.
  • Culture of Care: Provides a comprehensive trauma-informed education, offering tools for ethical leadership, relational skills, and the power dynamics that arise in facilitation. You’ll learn to hold the high standards of care needed to ensure that your spaces are healing and inclusive.
  • Embodiment & Somatics: Become fluent in the language of the body, tuning into the subtle cues and sensations that guide the flow of group dynamics. You will build the skills to lead from an embodied place, responding to what the group needs moment-to-moment.
  • Practical Leadership Skills: Gain hands-on experience in event creation, from marketing to space-holding. You’ll learn to set up the physical and energetic container needed for your work to have the greatest impact, while also stepping into your unique leadership style.
  • Live Facilitation Practicum: Apply everything you’ve learned to your own live real-world events, where you’ll co-create, produce, and facilitate group experiences then bring those experiences back into the training for reflection, integration and supervision. This immersive practice will cement your skills and help you find your unique facilitation voice.

This Online Training Starts February 2025

If you are curious about being part of this work, apply today!


Who This Program is for:

  • Coaches, therapists, and facilitators looking to deepen their trauma-informed expertise and elevate their group facilitation skills.
  • Practitioners who want to create a new paradigm of care and relational evolution in their spaces, enabling authentic and powerful transformations.
  • Leaders ready to step into a higher level of service, where they can embody presence, lead with heart, and allow emergent group dynamics to unfold with ease.


Who This Program is NOT for:

  • You are searching for a group space where you can come get all your relational trauma resolved and met. 
  • You want to just tick a box and say that you've done the bare minimum to be trauma informed.
  • You use a purely cognitive approach to your work with clients.
  • You're not willing to do the deeper inquiry work that being trauma informed requires.
  • You want to call yourself a trauma trained professional and offer deep trauma resolution services. 
  • You are brand new to group facilitation and have never held space for a group before. 
  • You are looking for a program that gives you a facilitation template to copy and paste to make your own events. 

What You Will Gain:

  • A Trauma-Informed Certification: By completing the program and assessments you will be recognized with certification in trauma-informed group facilitation accreditation is through the IPHM
  • Unshakeable Confidence: Develop the skills, knowledge, and self-trust to guide groups safely and powerfully through deep, transformational processes.
  • Proficiency in Emergent Facilitation: Learn how to facilitate dynamic group fields where creativity, healing, and connection flourish in service to the greater whole.

Join the Field Facilitator Online Training: Trauma-Informed & Certified and become part of a new wave of facilitators dedicated to creating safe, transformative spaces. 

This journey will not only expand your professional skills but also invite you to embody deeper alignment with your unique calling and the collective evolution we all seek.

Step into a new paradigm of care and facilitation—one that honours the power of the individual, the group, and the field of love that holds us all.

Practical Details 


February 1st, 2025 - July 22nd, 2025
(6 months)

Monthly Weekend Meetings: We will meet on the first weekend of each month for the first three months (February, March, and April).

Biweekly Sessions: We will meet every Tuesday for three hours, continuing this schedule for six months.

Peer Group Calls: In addition to our Tuesday sessions, there will be fortnightly peer group calls.

Session meeting Days/Times: 

Live group Calls

You do not need to attend every call live.

Each will be recorded and uploaded to our membership platform


February 1-2, Saturday-Sunday, 12- 5pm CET
February 11, Tuesday, 3 - 6pm CET
February 25, Tuesday, 3- 6pm CET


March 1-2, Saturday-Sunday, 12- 5pm CET 
March 11, Tuesday, 3 - 6pm CET
March 25, Tuesday, 3 - 6pm CET


April 5-6, Saturday-Sunday, 12 - 5pm CET 
April 15, Tuesday, 3 - 6pm CET
April 29, Tuesday, 3 - 6pm CET


May 13, Tuesday, 3 - 6pm CET
May 27, Tuesday, 3 - 6pm CET


June 10, Tuesday, 3 - 6pm CET
June 24, Tuesday, 3 - 6pm CET 


July 8, Tuesday, 3- 6pm CET
July 22, Tuesday, 3- 6pm CET


Time Converter



Special Offer!


Early Bird - First 10 people to register can take advantage of early registration discount €2,500


General Admission - €3000 


Payment Plans


Payment plan early bird

€2,700 - 6 monthly payments of €450

€2,800 - 10 monthly payments of €280


Payment plan full price

€3,500- 10 monthly payments of €350

€3,300 - 6 monthly payments of €550


Partial Scholarships Available

We have limited partial scholarship places at:

20% off full price (€3000) at €2400.

and 40% off full price (€3000) at €1800.

These are allocated according to needs.

Contact [email protected] to enquire

Program Format


6-Month Online Journey: A blend of live online sessions, mentorship, expert multidisciplinary teachings, and community engagement, with the flexibility to learn from anywhere in the world. For more information on the IPHM and your certification, please visit their website.

Experiential Learning: With over 100 hours of experiential training, you will practice and embody the skills you learn through interactive group sessions, case studies, and live facilitation opportunities.


Online Platforms We Use

Kajabi for Content & Recordings. 

Zoom for Live Calls. 

Private Facebook Community Group for ongoing social sharing.


The Facilitators

 Rachel Rickards

is a trailblazer in the realms of personal transformation, intimacy, embodiment, and relational dynamics, wielding her expertise as a group facilitator, event producer, and devoted mother

Having co-founded Embodied Intimacy in 2014, Rachel nurtured it into a globally renowned organisation, offering transformative trainings and events focused on intimacy, trauma healing, somatic education, and community building. 

In 2019, Rachel assumed leadership of Belly2Belly Facilitator Training, succeeding her mentor David Cates. Through Belly2Belly, she imparts healing practices designed to regulate the nervous system and foster deep relational connections. 

Rachel launched "The Field Facilitator Training," in 2022, this work embodies her commitment to revolutionising group facilitation. Rachel guides participants toward dynamic and fluid collective leadership, nurturing the blossoming of group soul dynamics within shared spaces


Catherine Hale

is a transformative coach and educator specialising in nervous system coaching and leadership. She empowers clients, including coaches and leaders, to harness post-traumatic growth and align with their deepest purpose. Catherine advocates for heart-centred entrepreneurs to redefine their relationship with abundance, promoting businesses that resonate with their nervous systems and thrive authentically. Beyond personal transformation, Catherine champions trauma-informed practices, emphasising safe, compassionate spaces for healing and growth. She leads efforts to create a culture of care in coaching and facilitation, ensuring practitioners meet clients with empathy and understanding, fostering profound and lasting transformations.

When presence permeates, it generates a field of love.

That field of love is what we are in devotion to. That is what’s creating all the Magic.

Join us!

This is where your journey begins... we are so delighted to consider you for our online training!