Welcome to "The Field" 
A comprehensive year-long, trauma-informed program offering in-depth training to equip leaders and facilitators with the skills to hold responsible, high-integrity events, develop specialized groups, and become heart-centered leaders.

The Next Year Long Training Starts 2025

If you have a strong YES! to being part of this work, you can begin the application process today to secure your place on next year's training.

Alternatively, join the waitlist to stay in the loop until you're ready to apply. 

MORE INFORMATION Online Training February 2025
APPLY NOW Netherlands Training 2024
JOIN WAITLIST for Year Long Training 2025

"The secret to embodied, emergent facilitation isn’t something you do, it’s something you are."


Rachel Rickards


The Field Facilitator Training

“The Field” is a common phrase used by facilitators to speak into the energy or the vibe of the group.

This year-long facilitator training is an advanced education in studying and working directly (from many different layers, and perspectives) with group fields. Especially those around facilitating transformational group spaces in anything ranging from: relationships, embodiment, therapy, intimacy, tantra, dance, yoga, health & wellbeing.

As a part of our coursework, we are offering a unique education that will happen both in person and online in how to recognize and work with trauma. You will leave the program with invaluable skills and practice for bringing every one of your participants totally into the group field.

Completing this program will allow you to confidently bring your gifts out to the world as a trauma-informed somatic group facilitator.

When a group of humans gather, with nervous systems regulated, emotions vibrating, with open-hearts and in service to a greater call...

In these sacred, illuminating and vibrant spaces we create palpable fields of resonance.

This is the timeless space where simple and profound human magic happens.

There are real, basic keys to learning to facilitate group field emergence. These keys range from practical knowledge like creating and setting the space, to the essential how-to’s of utilizing marketing to attract the most resonant audience, all the way to the mystical elements of the land, culture and spirit allies and the subtle use of nervous system awareness and regulation.

What this level of navigation requires is to be able to hold and move from a space beyond ego & personality, rooted in the abundance and goodness of this present moment, while also connected to the unique essence of your soul's calling and unique purpose. Ultimately, guided from a profound attunement to the wisdom of your own body.

The Field Facilitator Training
The Field Facilitator Training
The Field Facilitator Training

Facilitating 'The Field'

Ultimately, facilitating “the field” requires the ability to hold a space that listens with an awareness that is fluid and flowing. Simultaneously it also requires the agility to hold that space with presence, clarity, and strength.

It’s about fully stepping into the frequency in yourself that you want to invite others into. It’s about being able to be vulnerable, surrendered, yet still powerfully holding. One way to describe this is the integration of the masculine and the feminine, or the protective mother and the nurturing father becoming one.

This training is about that. Being all of you. Integrated Wholeness.

In total service of The Field.

In reverence and devotion to something so beyond yourself —something you could never have possibly known would come from the great mysterious unknown at the center of the circle.

What’s required at this depth is the capacity to open a space and vibrate a frequency of love that allows magic to unfold naturally.

When presence permeates, it generates a field of love, and that field of love is what we are in devotion to. That is what’s creating all the Magic.

*Magic in this context assumes no specific goal other than to come together in service to the emergent mystery.

When humans gather in service of something greater than their own individual egoic desires and superficial ideas, we create the possibility to unify in service to co-create a better world. In the sheer simplicity of this commonly used phrase, "The Field" automatically implies and draws attention to the space we are each connected to through our bodies, but that also exists beyond the boundaries of our skin. This is the very shift that is needed in all our spaces at this time. In order to step into a paradigm that has the capacity to hold a new earth, and the relational evolution we all know is possible we need to attune to the space we are all ultimately connected to, as one.

In these liminal spaces we have the opportunity to take part in a much larger process of spiritual evolution that informs the direction of the future generations by how we show up in relation to ourselves and the collective as they are arising in the group field today.

The Field Facilitator Training

How can you create transformational spaces responsibly--- so that the space is both held enough that everyone in it feels safe to be brave but open enough that everyone feels free to be authentic?

How can you tap into what wants and yearns to come through the space you create with as much purity and clarity as possible?

What is the field of love calling for? How can you attune to that call, and navigate it in resonance with the wisdom arising in your own body?

The Field Facilitator Training
The Field Facilitator Training
The Field Facilitator Training

‍The Field is a year-long facilitator training that will take a group into exactly this mystery:

  • How to facilitate emergent group spaces where hearts and nervous systems can open, synchronize and the group comes alive as an embodied whole.
  • How to learn to listen together to what the group field is inviting, moment to moment, and have the confidence as a facilitator to act on it and be in service to it in real time.
  • How to stay connected to where you want to take a group, and yet also surrender so deeply that it is the intelligence of the field that leads us deeper together rather than one person's agendas.
  • How having a trauma-informed education in group facilitation can both add to and support the process of co-creation and emergent space development.
  • What practical knowledge and support is needed to create a strong enough container for the kind of “Field” any particular facilitator would like to hold space for.

‍If you are either an aspiring or experienced facilitator and you feel called to evolve your craft so you can be in deeper service to the intelligence and power of a group field, consider joining this training!

The Next Training Starts 2025

If you have a strong YES! to being part of this work, you can begin the application process today to secure your place on next year's training. Alternatively, join the waitlist to stay in the loop until you're ready to apply. 

MORE INFORMATION Online Training February 2025
APPLY NOW Netherlands Training 2024
JOIN WAITLIST for Year Long Training 2025

What you can expect

This training is based on the recognition that:

  • Field Facilitation isn’t something that you do. It’s something that you are. As you guide others, you guide them into your state of consciousness. This is both extremely precious and a powerful responsibility that is not to be taken lightly. The impact we have as facilitators has the potential to reach far beyond any one event.
  • The deep skill in facilitation is learning to listen with your whole body to where the group field is inviting you to go next, and then acting on that listening in each moment to that intuitive call. This process begins before participants step into the room. It begins when the inspiration for the event lands in your field of awareness. Then there can be an opening in your body and life as you begin to hold it, feel it, play with it, speak it, dance it, move it and embody it. This dance between the facilitator and the mystery of what wants to unfold is a kind of collaborative lovemaking and the job of a Field Facilitator is to put yourself in service to this emergent process.
  • Having trauma-informed knowledge and an embodied education is important for leadership in the field beyond the reasons of “do no harm.” Trauma-informed facilitators are able to create and hold the depth and level of consciousness necessary for every participant to be fully relaxed and open in their bodies and nervous systems because this is the essential ingredient for creativity to flow.
The Field Facilitator Training
The Field Facilitator Training
The Field Facilitator Training

This training will take you on a journey to learn these skills, and to evolve you into the art of embodied facilitation.

Our experiential education will start with supporting you to connect to the inspiration and creativity of your own soul essence, its unique transmission, and what truly wants to come through you, as authentic facilitation is always an expression of what is most alive for us.

Then the focus will be on how you actually land that in matter on all the practical, physical dimensions - in the most appropriate venue, with resonant marketing, an integrated sales approach, with the perfect participants joining, and how you can fully show up for all these practical elements while making them fun, inspiring and inviting for you and your participants.

With an outstanding line-up of some of the most well-respected leaders in the field, we will take you on an educational journey experiencing the power and potential of what is possible when you learn to speak this language, and communicate through the body in real-time with the emergent field of the group heart.

During Module 5, the training group will have the opportunity to put all of this into practice as we will actually create and facilitate a large-scale event together. This is critical because it is only in the doing that we learn our greatest lessons.

Key to this part of the journey will be the questions:

  • What is my unique gift and transmission to contribute to this event?
  • What are the blocks in the way of me stepping in to fully embody the love that I am?
  • How do we work together to share leadership in service to our unique capacity and offering as a team?
  • What are we in service and devotion to as group leaders opening space for this event?

Following the module of co-creation and leadership, there will be the opportunity to unpack and integrate how the event went, and to explore what are the essential pieces for you to integrate, reflect on and learn from? Also, how do you receive feedback and up-level your facilitation so you can continue to develop yourself in a way where you are clear on your unique transmission, skills and gifts, how to deliver them, and what your personal pieces to work on are.

This will set the foundation for learning to facilitate and enter into true emergence with the group, where you listen, sense and respond to what the field is inviting for the whole process to journey and spiral deeper and deeper.

Our intention is that by the time you complete this training, you will leave with a stronger connection to yourself, your own soul guidance, and how to bring it through your work as a facilitator in a way that will also flow through to touch the personal dimensions of your life, and the transpersonal healing of the world.

The Field Facilitator Training

Once you complete this training you’ll have moved from places in yourself and your facilitation that feel shaky and tender, to one that is sensitized and self-assured, confident and deeply attuned to the fields you work with.

Although this facilitator training is named “The Field” and holds a large focus on embodied emergence within group facilitation work… the intention of this year-long training experience is also broad and far-reaching. The Field facilitator training will give you a basic education in creating and facilitating events responsibly, with the most integrity and for the greatest good possible. Every participant walking away from this training will do so with the tools needed to begin running their own specialized groups.

This training will consist of 5 week-long modules. One of these modules will include a large-scale event (possibly a festival) that the training group will fully produce, run, and facilitate together as a team.

In the weeks between modules the training will continue online with group calls, mentorship calls and special guest teachers and content to support the field to continue to integrate the relevant material unique to this training class.

Full completion of the program consists of:

  • 250 hours of in person group work (5 week-long modules)
  • 200 hours of online work (happens online in between the modules)
MORE INFORMATION Online Training February 2025
MORE INFO Netherlands Training 2024
JOIN WAITLIST for Year Long Training 2025

In these liminal spaces we have the possibility to take part in a much larger spiritual evolution that informs the direction of the future generations to come by how we show up in relationship to ourselves and to the collective moving through our group field today.

When presence permeates, it generates a field of love.

That field of love is what we are in devotion to. That is what’s creating all the Magic.

MORE INFORMATION Online Training February 2025
Apply Now Netherlands Training 2024

New training dates taking place in new countries will be announced soon! Be the first to find out where we are going next:


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The Next Training Starts 2025

If you have a strong YES! to being part of this work, you can begin the application process today to secure your place on next year's training. Alternatively, join the waitlist to stay in the loop until you're ready to apply. 

MORE INFORMATION Online Training February 2025
APPLY NOW Netherlands Training 2024
JOIN WAITLIST for Year Long Training 2025